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Services Offered Under Cyber Security

Services Offered Under Cyber Security

Network Penetration Testing Services

Get to know how attackers can exploit your vulnerabilities. And steps on how to stop them—with our pen testing services.

Getting to know your vulnerabilities—and the ways in which attackers could exploit them—is one of the greatest insights you can get in improving your security program.

Therefore, Biiteek Penetration service teams will simulate attacks on your networks, databases, applications to give you insights on the security of your infrastructure


We provide a list of issues to be fixed based on the level of severity and impact using a standard rating system

Martin Turyarugayo - CEO, Biiteek Globe Ltd
What can you expect?

- Details for each finding.

- Remediation plan and the level of effort need to remediate the findings.

- Positive findings showing areas of your security control where your effective


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